Antrim County

Antrim County, Michigan, stands out for its natural beauty, featuring stunning lakes and lush landscapes like Torch Lake. Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy activities such as hiking, biking, and skiing in places like the Jordan River Valley. Charming towns such as Bellaire and Elk Rapids offer a small-town atmosphere with local shops and cultural events. Bellaire is also home to Shanty Creek Resorts for golfing and skiing.

The county is part of Michigan’s wine country, with vineyards and wineries attracting visitors for wine trails and tastings. Fall brings vibrant foliage, while winter offers opportunities for snowmobiling on extensive trails. Cultural events, including art fairs and music festivals, provide a chance to connect with the community.

Antrim County’s fruit orchards, particularly known for cherries, are popular during harvest season. Historical sites like the Antrim County Courthouse showcase the area’s heritage. The county’s friendly community, with tight-knit neighborhoods, makes it an inviting destination for residents and visitors alike.

If you are interested in available homes in Antrim County or looking to sell your home, please reach out today. 

Elk Rapids home Antrim County Michigan