What Sets Us Apart

If you checked out the, “About Us,” section here on our site, you will see that we are owned and operated by Joel Peterson, who has been in the business of home development through his company J. Peterson Homes.

With a background deeply rooted in the construction industry, his extensive knowledge of how homes are built positions him as a valuable asset in the realm of buying or selling lake homes. This unique insight allows him to discern the intricate details and structural nuances that might escape the untrained eye. Whether it’s identifying the quality of materials, assessing the integrity of a foundation, or recognizing potential permitting issues, his expertise ensures that clients make well-informed decisions when navigating the dynamic landscape of lakefront real estate. This comprehensive understanding of the construction process becomes a distinct advantage, providing a heightened level of scrutiny and proficiency in evaluating the true value of lakefront properties. Joel is dedicated to ensuring that clients make informed decisions aligned with their goals.

Joel is an expert in real estate due to his meticulous attention to detail and a genuine passion for design. These skills and expertise offer invaluable insights into site selection and market conditions. Collaborating closely with home buyers and sellers, the goal is always personalized and seamless experience throughout the entire real estate journey. No matter your specific needs, Northern Legacy Properties is committed to providing comprehensive support and guidance to help you achieve your real estate goals with confidence.

What sets Northern Legacy Properties apart is our seasoned background in high-end home building in Northern Michigan. This distinct advantage positions us ahead of other realtors, as we intimately know the area and possesses a sharp understanding of what defines a house as both a sound investment and a compelling sales asset.

We’ve got a sharp eye for the finer details that define luxury living, ensuring that every aspect, from architectural nuances to top-notch amenities, meets the highest standards. Our wealth of knowledge isn’t just a byproduct of our years in the game; it’s a pledge to provide you with insights and guidance that go beyond the ordinary. Working with us isn’t just a transaction; it’s a chance to tap into a well of expertise that sets a new standard in high-end real estate.

If you are interested in buying or selling a home, please reach out today!

Leland Michigan Home